Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Wednedsay 21st December 2011

Nearly Christmas!!

We had a bit of snow last week but it soon disappeared.  Although it stayed on the hills for a bit longer.  This was the scene from one of my walks.

Looked much better in real life

And of course another picture of me, looking gorgeous as usual lol.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Saturday 10th December

It's been a funny week, the boss has been working lots more than usual, so the man known as dad (or granddad) has been looking after me.  It means I get to play with Valey more, and I've even dipped my toes at the the beach.  But the weather has been horrible, I don't like the wind and the rain :-(

They've out a weird thing up in the corner of the room, they call it a Christmas tree.  Not sure why they want a tree inside, especially when they said it's not for peeing against.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Tuesday 29th November 2011

Can't believe how long it is since I posted.  Although not much has happened in that time.  I've been spending my time going out and playing with my friends.  I've made a few new friends that I meet every morning, there's a huge pack of us now, it's great to run around with so many other dogs.

Lauren tried buying this daft outfit, as you can tell by the photo I was not impressed.  When she wasn't looking I ripped it to pieces hehehe.

This is me being a big softy, I like to sleep with people, it's much cosier than sleeping alone.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Friday 23rd September

It's been a sad time.  Anna the cat disappeared when we were on holiday, and this week she was finally found by a builder, only a few houses away from where she went missing.  She went to the vet, but was too ill, and the vet had to euthanize her to put her out of her pain and misery.  So there have been a lot of tears and upset.  She was mean to me sometimes when I wanted to play and she didn't, but I still miss her.  Here's some photos as a little memorial.

Friday, 9 September 2011

9th September 2011

Haven't been around for a while.  It's been a busy time.  The children have gone back to school and Lauren has started at her new senior school.  So we're back to getting up early in the morning.  I can't say I'm too keen on that, I like sleeping late.  But at least it means I get to run round with my pals who are all up early.

Friday, 26 August 2011

My Anniversary

It's a year ago today since I came to my new home.  It's gone by so quickly I can hardly believe it.

I've gone from this

To this 

And even though I say so myself, I'd pretty darn gorgeous :D

I've learned a lot of things in the last year, and I've been lots of places, but best of all I've had a family that loves me and gives me cuddles galore.

Monday, 15 August 2011

Monday 15th August

I've been on my first holiday.  We went to Wales, it was lovely.  I didn't think I was going to like it at first because it was ever such a long time in the car.  But when we got there it was a cottage on a farm, there were chickens and pigs, horses and goats and a donkey.

The donkey was noisy, woke us up every morning, but the chicken eggs were nice, the people were allowed to collect some each day.

We went to visit this castle when we were there, I think it was called Raglan.  It was was really nice, and they let me in, so that was good.

We also went to the Forest of Dean, it was great running through the trees, no rabbits to be seen though.

I managed to find myself a big stick while we were there.  Not as big as one of the ones I tried to get though.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Monday 18th July

Today was blimming horrible, I didn't want to go out this morning at all, but I was dragged out kicking and screaming.  This afternoon was better, managed a decent walk, but I'm still hyper tonight.

Just having a brew :D

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Sunday 10th July

Well that rabbit is still eluding me.  I search high and low every day.

It was in here, I can smell it.  If only I could get right inside!

Friday, 8 July 2011

Friday 8th July

I was so excited yesterday I forgot to tell everyone it was my birthday.  So a belated

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday dear me-ee
Happy birthday to me.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Monday 4th July

Another glorious day today, it was so hot I just had to have a dip at the beach.  The beach was packed today as well, even though we went in the afternoon while all the kids were at school.

I was pooped when I got home, so needed a rest.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Sunday 3rd July

Only four days until my birthday yay!!!

It was boiling today, too hot to be running around, see I couldn't even be bothered chasing those rabbits up there, too much like hard work.

Glad we went to the beach yesterday and not today, it was busy enough yesterday, today it would have been packed.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Sunday 26th June

A hot day!  We went of to a big lake, they called it Windermere.  There were loads of people there, and loads of mad people in the water!!  I dipped my toes, but I really didn't want to go for a swim.  We went on a rowing boat though, that was fun, I got to stand at the front like a figure head :D

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Wednesday 22nd June 2011

I still haven't managed to make a rabbit pie yet.  I'm trying to work out a way into this wooden box it goes into at night.

He gets to go out all day!  Can you believe that?  I only go for a walk for a few hours, and I'm not allowed out by myself in case I run away.  As if I would!!!

Monday, 20 June 2011

Monday 20th June

Unbelievable!!!  You'll never guess what's happened.  This thing has arrived at the house.  It lives in a house in the back garden, and I can't get in to see it.  And for some reason I'm not allowed in the back garden when he's out, I have to go in the front, that's just not fair!

Friday, 3 June 2011

Friday 3rd June

Yaaaay, the sun is back at last, I can sit out in the garden and watch the world go by, and of course get fussed by everyone going past :D

I helped to wash the car this morning, although I'm not sure why my efforts weren't appreciated.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Saturday 5th May

Well, what a strange day today.  It started off horrible, I had to go to the vet to get my nails cut, but I don't like them being touched, so I wriggled and wriggled and wriggled until they eventually gave up.  No one cuts my nails :D.

Then a couple of lovely walks, although some silly woman with a fluffball for a dog accused me of trying to bite it!! For goodness sake, has she never seen a dog play before.

I got some new toys too, a ball on a string and a teddy with no insides.  What's the point of that?  The fun part of a teddy is ripping the middle out and leaving it all over the floor.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Tuesday 3rd May 2011

Another month already, only 2 more and it'll be my first birthday!!  I better get something good :op

School is back too, so back to my usual run in the morning, it's better than the field.  The dogs on the field are real miseries, not like Bailey and Peggy.

Don't know what came over me tonight, I went and had a piddle by the front door.  I haven't done that for months.  I blame that cat, she made me forget about having a wee outside, because I had to follow her around :D

Anyway, here's some photos of me looking gorgeous again.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Saturday 16th April

Been down to the beach a lot lately.  The weather has been lovely.

Here I am dipping my toe in the water :D

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Sunday 3rd April

What a weird day.  Firstly it was something called Mother's Day.  That meant the little people made breakfast, but they made enough for about 30 people, so I had a lovely brekkie, much better than the biscuits I normally have. Yum.

Then we went to the beach, loved it.  The tide was in so I went for  paddle, I've got over my fear of water now and I like to have a little dip.  I got a new toy called a frisbee.  Strange thing, flies through the air, but after I chewed it when I was running, it didn't fly so well.

Any way, then they went off to the zoo.  To look at animals would you believe!!!  As if I'm not good enough, pah!

Then it was back to the beach in the afternoon.  But this time there was someone there flying something called a kite, a gret big thing, looked like a parachute.  It made loads of noise flapping in the wind and it scared me something rotten.  I tried to make myself look bigger, put my neck and back heckles up, but the thing kept flying.  Eventually I ran to mum and she looked after me.  Then we walked in the dunes to keep away from it.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Saturday 19th February

It's been a while since I wrote anything.  But nothing exciting has happened really.  I've been a little bit naughty today, I couldn't help it, I just get so excited when I find other dogs who'll play with me, that I forget that I'm supposed to go back when I get called.

We went to the beach today, I love running down the beach, so much nicer than wading through the mud on the fields.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Thursday 3rd February

WOOHOO, I've got that awful collar off now, I can itch my own head again!

I had my first proper walk in 10 days (not on a lead, because those walks don't count), and I have to admit I went completely nuts.  I raced round like a bat out of hell, zooming from one place to the other.  It's so good to be able to run round again.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Monday 24th January

Oh boy, this was the worst day EVER.

I went to the vets and was left there!! Can you believe it?  The people were real nice, but then something made me fall asleep, when I woke up I have this lampshade round my head. I keep bumping into things, and I feel sore :-(  I sure don't want to go back the the vets again.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Friday 14th January

I had to go for a check up the other day.  The vet said I was perfect!  Well I knew that anyway.

There haven't been a lot of friends out lately, seemingly it's because it's really muddy on the fields.  I agree with that, I look like a muck magnet when I've finished running about :D