Monday, 27 June 2011

Sunday 26th June

A hot day!  We went of to a big lake, they called it Windermere.  There were loads of people there, and loads of mad people in the water!!  I dipped my toes, but I really didn't want to go for a swim.  We went on a rowing boat though, that was fun, I got to stand at the front like a figure head :D

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Wednesday 22nd June 2011

I still haven't managed to make a rabbit pie yet.  I'm trying to work out a way into this wooden box it goes into at night.

He gets to go out all day!  Can you believe that?  I only go for a walk for a few hours, and I'm not allowed out by myself in case I run away.  As if I would!!!

Monday, 20 June 2011

Monday 20th June

Unbelievable!!!  You'll never guess what's happened.  This thing has arrived at the house.  It lives in a house in the back garden, and I can't get in to see it.  And for some reason I'm not allowed in the back garden when he's out, I have to go in the front, that's just not fair!

Friday, 3 June 2011

Friday 3rd June

Yaaaay, the sun is back at last, I can sit out in the garden and watch the world go by, and of course get fussed by everyone going past :D

I helped to wash the car this morning, although I'm not sure why my efforts weren't appreciated.